Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Foreigners and India.

Foreign tourists heading to india.

Everytime I get stared at for wearing short shorts on the roads I never have the bravery to defend myself. The way I deal with this is by wearing short shorts again and again day after day , it scares me but it encourages me..

Okay so a lot of people degraded this article saying it made india look bad infront of foreign countries.. here is my opinion.

Almost EVERY SINGLE TIME that I've seen a young foreigner woman in india I have always seen an indian man either 'passing lines' or staring and giggling with his friends and making lewd gestures at them or trying to chat them up and take them away. And I find it disgusting to the pit of my stomach and I feel worse because I feel helpless and everytime I go home I just keep thinking about how I never did anything because I'm a coward.

It's not like I haven't noticed a good looking foreigner man and pointed him out to my friends. I have. But I'd never try to make the man feel uncomfortable or afraid. There's a difference between complimenting and eve teasing, I feel annoyed that these men drive foreigners away from the beauty of my country.

Offcourse the articles title isn't a 100 percent appropriate as the article only warns the foreign countries women of being safe, so the title is a bit too harsh and it does make it seem like rapes only take place in india hence india is ment to be feared but the article isn't as harsh.
Also ,no where does it say that they shouldn't visit india and personally I wouldn't travel alone at night in any unfamiliar country so it does state the obvious in some ways.

If you've ever eve teased a woman and you're reading this - India is ashamed of you.

An annoyed frightened Indian woman.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

I want to be a boy.

All youngsters are currently in that phase of annoyance, annoyance with patriarchy , annoyed with the way women are treated.
I think I'm past that annoyed phase. I'm in the cry for help phase.
I'm in the selfish phase.

I want to be a boy.

For my own happiness. So my mom doesn't call me every hour that I'm out of the house wondering if I'm alive or if I've been raped. I want to be able to walk down a street without feeling like I'm being stared at. I want to be able to have fun, and I don't want my gender to be a barrier.

I'm past the stage where I want to wear whatever clothes I want , I want to LIVE the way boys do.
I want to trust everyone around me , I don't want to be suspicious of random people.
I want an easier life. I want to be a boy.

My perfect family

My perfect family has a mother , she's not drop dead gorgeous , but that's what makes her beautiful.
Home is comfort and she is comfort , her smile , her love , and the way she smells , like nothing can ever be too bad.
My father plays football with me and games with me , takes me on piggy backs , we tease my mother together and she affectionately scolds us.
In this perfect family they both turns being a pillar for eachother , they don't both lean on eachother, instead they comfort one and another and they're there for eachother.
They're my parents , they're permanent , and they're imperfectly perfect , they remind me that I'm perfect and that my lifes perfect and that I'm happy. I'm always secure , because no matter what goes wrong I know I have them and that's all I need.
That is my perfect family. I wish it existed.