Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Comparing Adult Love and Adolescent Love

Dear Diary,

Comparing Adult Love and Adolescent Love:

Disclaimer: These are my opinions and experiences, i don't expect the reader to agree.

Okay so i'm only 18 and there isn't much i understand about this kind of stuff considering my longest relationship has been 5 months(and counting) but i should point out some differences I have noticed.
Comparing Adult Love and Adolescent Love

The ability to be myself - as cliched as it sounds, i have only recently understood the importance of this with my newest relationship, there is something so liberating about being weird and burps and weird noises and awkward situations feeling normal and okay and comfortable. I think comfort is most necessary, comfort in being yourself, because relationships are meant to make things easier and make you love yourself. That being said, like life relationships aren't all sunshine and butterflies, sometimes you fight and argue, sometimes for a long amount of time , but you can't be making a big deal out of that, it's just something you have to accept because you need to see the other person at their best and worst. So in conclusion, growing older makes you choose people who provide you with comfort and you stop looking at tiny materialistic things like looks and body type. Broke up with someone or got dumped? it's okay that person probably wasn't the best person for you and at least now you know what you don't want in a relationship so someday you will be clear about what you do want.

In general, I don't know if love can be defined or if it is even a concept. Usually people refer to it as 'liking' (infatuation) and love. I'm just going to refer to it as immature love and mature love. Mature love is less of the butterflies and nervousness and sweaty palms and stuttering and it's more like protectiveness and you protect your 'partner' like you would protect your family, you may fight with your family and not get along with them but at the end of the day you still love them and they love you and you'd probably do anything for them because they're pretty much irreplaceable and permanent, but the person you are in love with is a lot different from your family in the sense that their eyes could still make you melt and obvious other physical aspects that every romantic relationship consists of, the difference is also that you don't choose your family members but a partner is out of choice hence you strive to find your 'puzzle piece' or 'soul mate.'

Comparing Adult Love and Adolescent Love
The eaziest way to get a girlfriend or boyfriend is by not doing anything at all and staying true to yourself because once you present yourself to the world , you will automatically be attracted to people who are like you.

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