Sunday 8 March 2015

I want to be a boy.

All youngsters are currently in that phase of annoyance, annoyance with patriarchy , annoyed with the way women are treated.
I think I'm past that annoyed phase. I'm in the cry for help phase.
I'm in the selfish phase.

I want to be a boy.

For my own happiness. So my mom doesn't call me every hour that I'm out of the house wondering if I'm alive or if I've been raped. I want to be able to walk down a street without feeling like I'm being stared at. I want to be able to have fun, and I don't want my gender to be a barrier.

I'm past the stage where I want to wear whatever clothes I want , I want to LIVE the way boys do.
I want to trust everyone around me , I don't want to be suspicious of random people.
I want an easier life. I want to be a boy.

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