Sunday 8 March 2015

My perfect family

My perfect family has a mother , she's not drop dead gorgeous , but that's what makes her beautiful.
Home is comfort and she is comfort , her smile , her love , and the way she smells , like nothing can ever be too bad.
My father plays football with me and games with me , takes me on piggy backs , we tease my mother together and she affectionately scolds us.
In this perfect family they both turns being a pillar for eachother , they don't both lean on eachother, instead they comfort one and another and they're there for eachother.
They're my parents , they're permanent , and they're imperfectly perfect , they remind me that I'm perfect and that my lifes perfect and that I'm happy. I'm always secure , because no matter what goes wrong I know I have them and that's all I need.
That is my perfect family. I wish it existed.

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